Steve Jobs — Motivational Quotes of the Day

We all need a push in life. We need something to force us to get out of bed, to act and to live. Well, if you are thinking of missing on any opportunity just because you are too lazy, or socially awkward or too scared to take risks, you can have this quote from Steve Jobs life and make it work for you like a magic stick. This will work for you because we know that we all are soon going to be dead and its a fact that cannot be abandoned no matter from which class, gender or age group a person is. This is a natural phenomenon that works equally on everyone, everywhere. Thus, you won’t miss on any opportunity and you will be willing to take risks, go out, make mistakes, be human, and live life. Because that’s really what we are here for; to live until we die. So be human. Make mistakes. You will have to pay for them either in terms of sufferings or regrets but learn to own your mistakes. And what is human life without sufferings? Sufferings are like the tools used to shape our lives and make us more strong and beautiful us. Do what you want even if it is not the right way to do it, until you are not causing harm to anyone. Moreover, there are no rights and wrongs. Its just a limit imposed on our mentalities by other humans in order to constrict our creativity. So just live life fully because this is just one chance you get, go out, explore the world, broaden your mental horizons and don’t make it hard on yourself because you got this. You fucking own this. Always remember that…

“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.”

via Steve Jobs — Motivational Quotes of the Day

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